Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Democrats believe immigration should be increased because they have no idea what's been happening at the border since Biden got in. Thanks corporate media!

Jimmy Dore interview with RFK on immigration yesterday was eye opening.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The administrative state has been out of control for a long time. Only because of their massive overreach has the curtain begun to be pulled back. It might sound like a slogan when Trump says, "They're not coming after me, they're coming after you." Actually, they are, and they have been.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Do people actually think that Joe Biden is aware of any of the issues that were queried in the poll? I wonder who is writing the words on his teleprompter, and who administers the drugs before his public appearances. If he wasn't such a mean-spirited hair sniffer, I'd feel sorry for him.

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These issues create deep fractures in our country. We all think of our bill of rights (the first ten amendments) as protections of our freedoms because it restricts government. The past 3 years, and I must include Obama’s administration, we have witnessed the largest infringements to our rights in recent history. These infringements have much larger repercussions than the lose of liberties and freedoms. With the authoritarian changes brought on by the Biden administration we all sense a feeling of fear, self doubt, depression and anxiety. These tyrannical policies also reflect on the worlds view of a society that’s greatness comes from its liberty and freedoms. Beyond that it weakens our financial standings and the value of the dollar. He is creating global instability. Until this man exits, probably off the wrong side of the stage, this country will continue to lose large portions of its moral and financial fabric. God help us and God help America. J.Goodrich

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this piece.

Re the top image---There is no elephant any more, it morphed into a donkey.

As to "decrease", the poll should have asked "completely halted" until such time as it complies with the law and actual asylum for political persecution. Unfortunately, the MSM has kept the true state of the southern border invasion under wraps for the most part. Contrast that with the coverage in 2017, where photos of detention camps in the previous administration were run incessantly as Trump"s camps.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I suppose these agencies have always been used to harass opposition to the current administration, its just that now they don't try to hide it, they openly admit it, and they rub your face in it...

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I continue to be shocked at how little people know about what is going on in the world. The censorship of the truth by the MSM has created a cultish faction who continues to take at face value the nonsense it spouts, and those who have been reading substack and the dozens of alt media sites that have sprouted up over the past 3 years. Those within the cult continue to comfortably dismiss distaff viewpoints as "conspiracy theories", having been given permission by the MSM and government to employ anti-rational and anti-scientific thinking. Those of us who are reading the alt media, while continuing to slap our foreheads at the massive ignorance of the blue-pilled majority would do well to remember two things:

1. Truth will win eventually, but it is a slow train. ("“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Theodore Parker)

2. Not everything printed in the alt media is completely accurate, even while it is far more accurate and certainly less biased by financial interests than the MSM. We must maintain humility about what we think we know and what we actually know.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am married to a person who is not concerned about the border crisis. He is a legal immigrant from Ecuador. He just doesn't get it and I can no longer bring up the subject because it ends in a fight. I am living with the enemy. I tell myself everyday to be grateful (per Dennis Prager) and it has brought peace to my soul somewhat.

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The Epoch Times has a new documentary on the immigration crisis, and if you watch it, see what border areas are experiencing, and do not think it is a crisis, you have major problems. I know it's impossible, but I'm about ready to round up every single person who is here illegally and transport them to some country far away. Even better, send the Democrats and about fifty percent of the Republicans from DC with them. https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/gotaways-5417065

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"This is what the massive propaganda campaign and censorship have bought this administration." Great words by RFK -- Especially since his Uncle also doubted the "alphabet agencies:"


Agreed 100%! The "alphabet agencies" have been turned on the American People and are directly attacking us via propaganda:



From Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud, Big Media Corporations and all, we're all under direct propaganda attack from all sides. All we can do is keep on trucking along!


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Could it be democrats are not concerned with the border b/c most of them are new arrivals themselves? As far as the Republicans not too concerned with the medical handling of the Covid, could it be the Gallop poll was bought off on this question? Big Pharma has bought most everyone else, why not one poll question? Most of my Republican friends are outraged at the serious side effects caused by the VAX and the way the hospitals obeyed by not giving Ivermectin, putting people on ventilators and giving them Remdesivir which shut down their kidneys, etc.

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It's my firm belief that all those 30+ vs 56-60+ numbers also reflect the real, true vote in 2020. However they cheated (and we now know for a fact they did in a hundred different ways, along with Zuckerberg's big box help) they changed the real vote but they can't change the surveys done afterwards and the numbers above aren't much different than they were before Biden "won," and before the first year of Biden was over.

People need to stop thinking "political party" and division - it's not really political at all, it's the mind of the people, a WAY of thinking, a moral vs immoral belief system, and that way of thinking draws them to the party, not the other way around. In other words, the people's thinking came first and became the party, not the other way around. My neighbor is a Democrat whether he's ever voted or not. 🙄

The end times are so clearly spelled out in the scriptures and for those things to occur it is expected "Democrats" will begin to outnumber "Republicans" per se... for the wolves to outnumber the sheep. For the immoral to outnumber the moral. The immoral have no conscience, no firm moral foundation or ethical boundaries vs those who do. That total lack of accountability draws the wicked - it's good against evil. Same thing all the Covid business boils down to, good against wicked.

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Sadly, irrespective of what one believes about the man or the system, Trump is unelectable. It is a mathematics problem, not a corruption problem (not that there are not a boatload of those). So the Dems are perfectly happy to have him run (from prison or not) because solid analyses from both sides of the aisle (I have seen them both) shows that Trump will always be 50EV short. And that is all that matters.

Either people will wake up and add up the numbers or we will have another four years of senile maundering and Marxist shift. Denialism never won an election, sadly. The frank abuse of the DOJ contrasting Trump and Biden is horrifying. And it is easy to understand why the 40% of died-in-the-wool Trump supporters are increasingly incensed (as we all should be). But that will not win an election, sadly.

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People need to know!

Pfizer paid $2.8 Billion in healthcare fraud settlement.

Merck paid $4.85 Billion in Vioxx settlement.

GlaxoSmith Kline settled healthcare fraud for $3 Billion.

Chemicals our bodies do not like: aluminum, artificial sweetners, floride, glyphosate, GMO's, mercury, opioids, talcum, and ...

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just seeing if I can post.

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Yep! Gaslighting works! Especially if you are brain dead! Looks like the Democrats win that poll!

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