Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

I spent a week in the hospital in August 2021 with severe covid. Everyone I dealt with in the hospital, and I mean EVERYONE, asked about my vax status and a few even implied that it was my own fault for being in the hospital. It was insane. And this was in addition to my own family members telling me for months how "selfish" I was being before I ever got sick.

Anyway, once I was released and mostly recovered, I went back for a followup with my pulmonologist about six weeks later (who was still wearing a mask and sitting 15 feet across the room) and he encouraged me to get the shot. I asked him why, now that I had actual acquired immunity and he just kind of stuttered and said, "Because you really should!"

I haven't seen that clown since. It was very clear at that point that he had motives other than looking out for my well being.

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I just want RFK Jr to get elected and Dr Malone to be appointed to a position of power to do something about these crimes. I know. Let me dream. Because:

Imagine being the person who’s life is destroyed by myocarditis and finding out- you were sold for 50 bucks.

The term ‘human trafficker’ comes to mind.

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We the American Taxpayer, paid for these Incentives. Our Government is not to be trusted ever again.

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It's really a very simple choice to make when you have abandoned the Hippocratic oath, thrown critical thinking to the wolves, and consider informed consent to be a stale anachronism.

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A few years ago Heather Heying told the story of going back and forth with her doctor trying to push the covid shots. Multiple times she called them out on misrepresenting benefits and safety claims. Each time the doctor hit a dead end they would quickly pivot to the next talking point.

Learning more about the financial motivations makes it easier to understand the behavior. Normally getting caught even once over such a serious matter should have stopped the conversation and caused them shame. Instead they were shameless.

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This information is so important for the average Joe to know! The truth behind these dealings amounts to a hideous amount of wagging the carrot of potential large sums of money. It seems like the whole of the "health" industry is so used to these Incentives that they don't even blink an eye to the energy of greed and harm done. Mass brain-washing (also known as mass formation). I will again spread the info...

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is the term medical ethics on the road to coming an oxymoron? I feel for physicians who actually practice medicine rather than advanced economics

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I understand that an insurance company might cooperate with the government to incentivize a medical procedure for which it would received reimbursement from the government. But why would the insurance company promote a medical procedure that would cause injuries for which it would have to pay as medical claims by its injured insureds? Didn't Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield have the same concerns that we "vaccine hesitant" people did? Or were there other ways the insurance company saw to profit despite the prospect of increased medical claims?

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Before 2021, most physicians would still be pro vaccine. You are totally brainwashed regarding this issue in medical school, the value of being vaccinated (and the risks ignored) is not even reconsidered. and you have so many other things to think about. When you add money, and incentivize what the majority of healthcare workers would’ve considered, still, a positive health action at that time, i.e. get vaccinated to protect you and everybody else, it makes a very strong barrier?, mental block ? to change. I mean come on, I’m getting paid to do the right thing for my patient right? It’s hard to overcome. I’m only saying I can understand why, especially at first. Not later of course. Up to this event, most providers would welcome honest debate regarding the best way to care for someone.. It became clear pretty quickly that these injections were not helpful or beneficial, and were just the opposite. And the fact that all healthcare, worldwide, and most of all my own government, including the CDC, FDA and NIH failed (outright lied and manipulated us) in their primary duties is a deep betrayal. I was trained in Emergency Medicine. When I think about the lives that could’ve been saved, if we have been at the forefront of handing out early ivermectin, HCQ, telling people to load up on their vitamin D and C, instead of telling them to get shots that cause auto immune disorders, cardiovascular and clotting complications, and stay home til they can’t breathe then putting them on Remdisavir to promote kidney failure and a vent to further pulmonary failure, and isolating them to add loneliness and depression to the mix, and shutting down any conversation about treatments outside the narrative ... I want to weep.

I was horrified as clinics that I respected and providers that I knew developed such blinders. I guess I would still prefer to think they were clinging to that slippery slope that they were still doing the best thing for their patient, and not just doing it for the money. Probably dumb of me.

I’m grateful God mostly removed me from clinical practice before this happened. I did prescribe IVM and HCQ protocols thru an online clinic for a bit. And I did get a letter from my specialty board, essentially threatening me. I don’t know how they even found out I was prescribing. Fortunately, I was able to tell them I no longer desired or required their certification. I suggest Dr.McCullough and Dr Marik do the same and give them the middle finger. Maybe NBPAS is an alternative.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My primary care docs office called multiple times to encourage getting the jab.

Every pharmacy voice recording also pushes hard, obviously getting bonuses too.

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It is approaching flu vax season in DoD and there is some concern that they are going to combine the flu with COV (without explicitly stating that is what you're getting)...just curious what the status of a combo "vax" might be?

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just to understand better, the government buys vaccines for 5-10$ of dose, then pays physicians per vaccine administered 50$ and also bonus. The government then pays media companies, to promote this product and pay compensation to bussines, which had to close so the vaccine can be introduced.

So basically government pays everyone to do this. Where they take money for it? And of course my question how this can be legal, when you push single product. If they would promote iPhone this way or Walmart would that be also legal?

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, Dr Malone, this KY payment info you've posted is really needed to point out how the madness mushroomed. I had the same pushes as others here are describing from my physician. In the end, being late sixties, I was able to refuse the covid jab but I got the pneumonia vax- 2 parts-and of course caught pneumonia several months later for the first time in my life. Never caught symptomatic covid--who knows if I got asymptomatic- or had a mild un-ided case--stayed with prophylactic "horse paste" throughout.

Reposting this for those that may have missed it--I think it is a big deal. WI Senator Johnson comes thru.

"Sen. Ron Johnson Says Pandemic "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People" Who Conducted "Event 201""


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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many friends and associates have died or been maimed from these incentives. The 'scum' who collected from and administered the programs, for each injury and death, they need to be held responsible and pay.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sadly disappointing that highly educated professionals can so easily fall victim to the carrot and stick. They must be grappling with the demons now justifying their newfound, I’ll begotten wealth with excuses along the lines of “there was no reason to believe that these injections would cause harm”. Wouldn’t want to be in their shoes right now.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The wheels of the US and global economy will fall once all the Covid bribe money dissipates! We can thank all the inside players who knew how the Covid con would be administered to the masses!

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