Right now our gov is a threat our citizens need to take seriously. I have to wonder how many of the knuckle draggers that slithered across our borders are being recruited into these cells and yes even b.l.m. to participate in their mindless violence

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Antifa is a bunch of adult children cowards. I’m not sure why when these women’s groups organize a demonstration they don’t hire a security team. Real men would volunteer to kick the antifa man children's asses for free. I’m in. Isn’t it psychotic that a person like Audrey Hale, another disgraceful coward, murdered children and unarmed teachers, railed against white makes and wanted to transition to a white male. Is it me or do these people have serious mental issues brought on by our government. Not sure if anyone has seen antifa rallies, it’s a bunch of white teenage losers that are ripe for a beating. J.Goodrich

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Thank you for this information. It is something I have to know--but to me, as a 76 year old woman, it is extremely disturbing. How is it that the police and the laws do not protect women who have the right to protest this aberrant and terrorist behavior? Of course, our world in general is terribly disturbing. :/ Only lions need apply. This is no place for the weak of heart...

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Has the world gone mad? Have humans lost their sanity. Are we all

on psychotropic drugs and don't know it! What is the goal of these underworld elements?

Have we just become lab rats for the pleasure of a few? How do we stop this slide into hell?

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Wow. One more diversion and separating agenda. So so so sad for everyone. I think I understand the hormone imbalance due to jabs, drugs, and poisoned foods over the past hundred years? 50 years? And now to add on the anger/violence vigilante? Personality behaviors? I guess, thank you for sharing, still gonna pray for miracles because for all of us it's sometimes it's just too much to wrap our heads around, but without awareness we can't make more informed decisions❤️. Again so sad for the victims, for the families of the victims and the perpetrators, and for the perpetrators that feel they have to act out and harm anyone🥲

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Just how many tentacles do the Democrats have now? Outside of controlling the entire USG, they have MSM, Hollywood, NGOs, Education K-12 and higher, BLM, Antifa, Trantifa, defunct 1%, and many more. Corporations provide funding along with all the dark money that flows their way to implement Agenda 30. Although the justice scale is tipped to the extreme in their favor, there are a few things they do not have, about 100+ million people strong, God on their side, common sense, morals, and our permission.

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Just listening to interview with Dr. Adam Urato on prenatal SSRI exposure. Babies influenced in utero from SSRI's have less gray brain matter. It seems these drugs cause neurodevelopmental disorders in babies from the exposure, such as autism, adhd, and I am proposing damage to the brain that will lead to gender dysphoria. So, looking at trantifa is downstream I think from the root cause. Dr. Urato said in the U.S. four times the number of women is on SSRI's than in Europe. I can't separate the craziness of the world today, from the assault on the brains of fetuses, babies and children from drugs, pesticides and junk food. Dr. Mercola suggested SSRI's do not work for depression except for the placebo effect, and what is needed is healthy GABA metabolism. I don't know, but food for thought. You know we can oppose a lot of these groups; but sadly, a fetus is at the mercy of the influence of Pharma on its parents.

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Not a new realization, but if genitalia does not determine one's sex, how does removing or altering it do so ? Changing your sex is the same as changing your mind ? Aging to adulthood does not equate to being an adult. I give people complete freedom to identify as they choose and conduct their sex lives with equal freedom. I'm just tired of hearing and seeing minority positions occupying so much bandwidth. Be and do as you choose. Just keep it to yourself.

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A very important movement to understand the truth about. Thank you for writing this article.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Okay, I am totally confused. The FBI can track people milling around the Capitol Building. They can track every member of "right-wing, violent, extremist" groups like Proud Boys, Sons of Liberty, etc.. But they don't seem to be able to track any of the actually dangerous members of Antifa or Trantifa -- because they are so "secretive" and "decentralized."

Give me a break. The NSA knows everything about everyone. The government is allowing, even encouraging, these left-wing domestic terrorist groups to further the fragmentation of Americans.

Frankly, I think their plan will backfire. These groups are very small percentages of the population. Their antics are wearing thin these days. When there is a genuine crisis -- which appears to be in our future -- these disrupters and terrorists might just be in the crosshairs of the majority.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yesterday, PBS aired a "Frontline" documentary about the young man who leaked a bunch of secret U.S. documents about the Ukraine war. Jack Teixeira went into the Massachusetts Air National Guard directly after graduating from high school. He was smart so the military wanted him, even though he had been an isolated gamer with questionable affiliations.

The documentary told almost nothing about this young man's family, but delved deep into his involvement with other young people on gaming sites (Steam) and social media sites like Discord.

These kids were inured to the stark and recurring violence depicted in the games they played, and joked about killing people all the time. It was "funny" to them. They were suffering from dissociation - totally out of touch with the reality of social life and community. Most of those kids would not act out their fantasies in the "real" world. But some of them might. I found this insightful into how some young people can easily become domestic terrorists.

In many video games, you can be anything you want to be as a player. So, why not in real life? For these kids, picking your "identity" is normal.

Though we can go deeper than this as to why some of these people are acting so crazy, I start with how they were brought up. And they were brought up by video games.

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Factually, the backstory on "ANTIFA" began in post Weimar Germany in the 1930s, as the "National Socialist German Workers"(party),aka the "NAZI's" - fought in the streets of Germany against the German Communist (party) - the "Brownshirts" vs the "Blackshirts"- a political war the "Brownshirts" (NAZI's) ultimately won; resulting in MANY of the German Communist "intellectuals" fleeing to America to spread their totalitarian poison throughout the USA via the American academy and educational system - which was ALREADY engaged in the same dumbing down and mis-education process which - after MANY generations - has reached the point of no return circa 2023 AD.

The German Communists claimed Hitler was a "Fascist" because he copied the former Socialist and creator of "Fascism" - Benito Mussolini's - economic model of "corporativism" or "corporatism" - whereby a so-called "partnership" of "government and industry" was established. The NAZI's - just like the FASCISTS, "allowed" private property to ostensibly continue - but under complete control of the government regarding ALL aspects of production and profits.

"ANTIFA" is short for "Anti-Fascist" - just like "NAZI" is short for "National Socialists".

The new wrinkle, the so-called "TRANTIFA" ( militant boys claiming to be girls) best beware of pushing their demands and ideology too far- on fed up Americans - lest they feel those "symbols" emblazoned on their "black shirts" stuffed up their dresses.

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Antifa has parallels to Islam, although Islam is very organized has tons of money, has sleeper cells, it's clandestine, jihad is used to create fear among the masses and further Islam in any society. Islam is organized through Allah's Messengers via those Muslims who have intimate knowledge of the Quran, Hadith, and Sirah. Muslims give up morality and reason at birth, to Allah and Allah's messengers. All orthodox Muslims are equivalent to jihad Muslims, as both are devout. In GAZA, orthodox Muslims fight side by side with jihad Muslims to defeat Israel. Most Muslims in America are orthodox Muslims, can become jihad Muslims at the flick of a Messenger switch. Mosques in America are represent symbols of power over a given neighborhood, praying in the street represents power in numbers. Muslim men in America can have multiple wives, therefore, multiple children, outproduce American families. You'll find Muslims in every aspect of American government, to include city employees, country employees, State employees, and Washington, DC employees. Biden employees lots of Muslim in his Administration, Biden supports and funds Islamic terrorist countries. Iran and Afghanistan are two, Hamas is given verbal support, sends funds to Palestine. You can find elite member of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR walking the halls of Congress and the White House. Seems no one in America understands the dangers of Islam. The Republican Party forbids Pamela Geller (gellerreport.com), Robert Spencer (jihadwatch.org), Bill Warner (politicalislam.org) from speaking at any of their National Summit get togethers. Islamophobia laws are not that far off from being implemented in Congress. The more leftist Congress becomes, the more Islamic Congress will be. County libraries across America have Children's books on "Becoming a Muslim", "Islam is a Peaceful Religion", "Who is Muhammad". Colleges and Universities for the last 30-40 years have Muslim Student Organizations, common to all colleges and universities. MSO's promote bias of Jews, promote racism, promote bigotry, promote anti-Americanism. A majority of the support for Hamas comes from universities student base. The same universities are funded by Muslim countries, funding in the million$. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the Biden Administration are all CORRUPT! You'll find Muslims employed in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Biden's Administration. Therefore, this country can't afford to elect another leftist Democrat, can't afford higher prices, less Christianity, more antisemitism. This country needs to elect Trump for 4 more years, needs God now and forever.

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Klantifa is just the modern version of the Democrats Ku Klux Klan.

You know, a bunch of young hate filled democrats, putting on hoods and masks, riding around attacking those they hate, while being protected by democrat officials.

Ride like its 1870 all over again.

Transhausen by Proxy is just a bunch of evil democrat parents who want to mutilate their mentally ill children, to get applause from the other leftist vermin, while rabid doctors create patients that will need corrective surgery the rest of their short miserable lives.

Leftists, democrats, muslims, are pretty much all rabid, and there is only one way to deal with rabid dogs.

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Now reading 'Controligarchs', Seamus Brumer's newest book. The first chapter goes into the Rockefeller influence in this upheaval of times, starting in the early 1900's. Rockefeller, Gates, Buffet, and yes, Musk are all part of the population control, food control and the use of people like antifa and blm to create hysteria so that people will want the govt. to step in. And , of course, the gov't is right in with them, having been bought off. And, BTW, he has over 100 references of documentation just in the first chapter.

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Controlled Demolition. These folks are created/recruited and paid for as was/is practically all violent movements and riots in the US and elsewhere. Some by communist countries but the majority planned and implemented by the CIA and other US "intelligence agencies", MI5/6, and the Mossad and NGOs (such as George Soros), and various corporations and banking institutions, and propaganda machines - all working on behalf of the controllers (Committee of 300/Royal Instittue of International Affairs). The purpose is to divide and conquer and subdue what is left of the population. The population will naturally cry out for the government to do something - which always seems to result in more of your rights being taken (think Covid).

Some background on goals of NWO and how to achieve it is in an old video of a former CIA agent, Dr. John Coleman https://rumble.com/embed/v2hpv40/?pub=m6fb1 -incredible background which sheds light on the plan.

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