This entire situation bears all the hallmarks of a psyop. I don't believe this Grusch guy for one minute. I was naturally skeptical as I was reading an article about him in thedebrief.org from early June. Then I got to the last line of the article and it said this, quoting Grusch:

“I hope this revelation serves as an ontological shock sociologically and provides a generally uniting issue for nations of the world to re-assess their priorities,” Grusch said.

And then I thougth to myself, now I know what this is about! They are going to try to tell us that we need a one-world government to protect ourselves against aliens. Yep, that's how stupid they think we are. And for most of us, they might be right!

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

Advanced aliens can supposedly travel from other planets, galaxies, or dimensions (we have only made it to the moon) but just can't figure out how to land or stay alive once they get here? (Though they manage to walk around someone's backyard in Vegas, who, for the first time in their life didn't have their phone on hand to take videos.) They somehow enter the solar system and atmosphere of earth, but are only seen by precious few folks, never with clear, convincing evidence of their reality, always with terrible pictures, anecdotes, etc. If climate change doesn't scare the world into a socialist dystopia, perhaps our would-be despots will call on the aliens to do the trick.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It seems to me that unless people know how to enter another higher vibrational dimension, the ability to see, hear and communicate with other entities of a different frequency is lost. We are so used to sensing objects with a limited mind that we miss the subtle nuance of other life and communication. I reference Ruth Montgomery,1985, "Aliens Among Us."

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I'm a loyal follower of you, Dr. Malone, but I'm sorry, I have had the exact opposite reaction.

The way we know that the latest UFO/UAP hysteria is a government psy-op is that they are asking us to believe that the UltraSmart extraterrestrials supposedly thought it was a Great Idea to communicate exclusively with US government officials. What a coincidence that all the BestAndBrightestHumans who are worthy of contact all happen to be working in government intelligence!

Does that sound like the intelligent plan of a SuperGenius life form, or the laughable fantasy of a corrupt human tyrant looking for the next population mind manipulation tool?

The aliens can navigate the 4th and 5th dimensions (!) and come at us from ?WhoKnowsWhere? but cannot figure out how to recover wreckage from their own crashed spaceships? And they crash their spaceships? Like, their spaceships are actually piloted by their own bumbling, creaturely selves? Even we DumbNonGovernmentEmployeeHumans are getting close to perfecting autopilot, aren't we?

UFO/UAP narrative serves globalist/elitist fantasies better than Covid or ClimateChange or even EternalWWIII ever could.

Whistleblowers have gained credibility in recent years, and our corrupt government officials recognize that, so they are trotting out their own fake "whistleblowers" now in coordination with controlled, corrupt, corporate media in their next-level propaganda.

Grusch "suffered retribution and attacks to such an extent that he had to file a complaint"? Oh, my! A complaint! And yet, somehow, whatever he has "suffered," here he is, uncensored and speaking freely on the same controlled, corrupt, corporate media who has been lying to us continuously about everything for the past 3 years.

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After reading many of the comments I feel compelled to add to the discussion. As a veteran with a top secret clearance who spent a quarter century working for what is now the Space Force, I find the comments regarding government control and manipulation somewhat entertaining. Trust me, the government is not organized enough to be as evil as you all fear. I believe the main reason for the secrecy is very simple - - they can't explain it. No bureaucrat, military officer, or president wants to be trying to reassure the public on a subject when there are so many unknowns. Easier to classify, compartmentalize, and hide it while you try to figure out. This may in fact be the convergence of "religion" and "science". Dr. Greer and others talk about Quantum Physics and the dimension of "consciousness" which may explain how these beings and vehicles are traveling (because it would be impossible under classical physics). Consciousness may be what connects us all to a higher power (what the religions of the world and we who believe have interpreted as God). From everything I have read, including this excellent piece, these encounters are not demonic or threatening. Disabling nuclear missile operations (which occurred at Malmstrom AFB and in Russia) does not seem like a threatening move. It actually provides me some reassurance that perhaps someone out there might be watching and be able to override our senseless acts of war.

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Yes, UFOs and other life beyond us is possible. But to be honest, I really don't care and it is irrelevant to my existence. I believe the UFO stories are now being released to distract from the fascist behaviors from covid lockdowns and removal of freedoms over the past years. I care much less about aliens compared to freedom of speech and my 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

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My point is that it is already a very mainstream view. The fact that as a group, ‘scientists’ don’t buy it is maybe that there is a shred of decency left in the profession, as evidenced by the good doctor

Because There isn’t a shred of real evidence for alien hardware, or any plausible mechanism for there being any. Wormholes don’t count!

Admit it! You wanna believe! That’s cool. I get it. But know you are bring conditioned by social engineering. Otherwise why the constant alien entertainment.

Be well-

Mork and Flash Gordon

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If the government has anything to do w it, it’s to their advantage. I believe in angels so to a degree I believe in UFOs. But, I don’t trust the government and keeping a healthy skepticism even w whistleblowers

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Getting people to believe in ‘nuts and bolts’ alien spacecraft from another planet is the psy-op. Actual spacecraft...HG Wells of British Empire ‘Open Conspiracy’ fame started it. It’s for the new world religion they need for a one world government. It’s gotta be SCIENCEY, this new religion! Whatz more sciencey than a spacecraft from another planet? Nothing!

Out movies, comics, TV shows, novels, short stories, Rock bands etc have been filled with UFOs for decades! Far from discouragement there is actually constant encouragement to believe. And so you shall. I see the good doctor has succumbed. Sigh. So it goes.

Signing off from Tralfamador

Take me to your leader

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What's really interesting to pursue is the topic of how deep the military-industrial complex is invested in withholding helpful advanced technologies from public disclosure, technologies that could set humanity free energy-wise, eliminate pollution, advance us medically etc. — while at the same time weaponizing some other of those technologies ... and definitely not for the "good of humanity."

Check out the work of Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC. https://siriusdisclosure.com/

Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. Over one billion people heard of the press conference through the original webcast and on subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN Worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting online – the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club at that time.

He has worked for 17 years to bring together the scientists, inventors and leaders in society to advance new clean technology energy systems. He is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on the strategic process of transforming our carbon-based civilization to a long-term sustainable civilization using innovative sciences and technology.

A lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the nation’s most prestigious medical honor society, Dr. Greer has now retired as an emergency physician to work on these projects.

He is the author of four insightful books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject. He teaches groups throughout the world how to make peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and continues to research bringing truly alternative energy sources out to the public. Dr. Greer has studied the Sanskrit Vedas extensively and has been teaching mantra meditation for over 30 years.

Dr. Greer has been seen and heard by millions world-wide on CBS, the BBC, The Discovery Channel, the History channel, The Ancient Aliens series, Thrive and through many news outlets worldwide. He is currently working on a documentary “Sirius” which will be available Spring 2013.

His message is one of hope – that these energy systems can soon be available worldwide. His goal is to assist in the creation of a sustainable, peaceful civilization on Earth that is both high tech and in harmony with the environment.

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Regarding UFO's, I've watched one decades ago, reported it and the response I got (from the author) was, 'Thousands have reported seeing the same, exact thing.' Thousands? Yet my government's been denying their existence since Roswell which is contradictory in itself. That experience began my mistrust/distrust of our government at age 15 and it hasn't stopped since.

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The point of this article was to show the similarity between the way the information about C-19 and its "vaccines" was manipulated away from the actual facts, and the way the information about the UFO phenomenon has been also manipulated away from the facts. It also shows how a significant percentage of humans do not seem to understand the importance or reality of indirect evidence. Science uses credible indirect evidence to come to the conclusion that there is dark energy and dark matter, which together constitute about 95% of the energy density in the universe. We still have no idea what either of them are, just their observable effects. There is also lots of credible indirect evidence in support of UFO's which seems to zip right past those who are only looking for "indisputable" physical evidence, or one landing on their desk. We in the public don't yet know much about them, but we can no longer deny their existence. If direct scientific evidence regarding a viral pandemic can be hidden, suppressed, and aggressively manipulated by powerful government agencies, it follows that any evidence at all about UFO's can be hidden, suppressed and manipulated as well, and by the same agencies, especially since such information is orders of magnitude more important than a mere man-made virus or experimental "vaccine".

I think we should all ask ourselves the question "How did it happen that we humans came to believe that we were the only sentient beings in the universe?" It may have come at a time many years ago when we thought we lived on the only habitable planet, or maybe the only planet in the universe, but now that we know that most of the billions of stars in our galaxy, and presumably those in the billions of other galaxies, have planets, with a significant fraction in habitable zones, we have to re-evaluate the question. If any advanced civilizations thousands or millions of years ahead of us discovered ways to traverse space in ways we have yet to understand, anything could be possible, and even likely. Enrico Fermi asked the question "If there are aliens visiting Earth, where are they?" For all we know, Earth may be an experimental biological field station in this quadrant of the galaxy, and we are part of an ongoing alien agenda. And biological scientists don't usually communicate with their animal subjects, or let them know what the experiment is, or even that it is an experiment.

To those who can't get past their ingrained skepticism on this topic, I say get over yourselves, and get with the program. Start your own investigation, and you might have to re-direct your skepticism toward a lot of what you think you know.

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Peddling BS --why???

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If everyone would stop and discern that the entire subject matter is part of the great deception. Satan has power over people in powerful positions to create a one world government (under the guise of saving us from an alien invasion that only they have the answer).

We could all narrow this conversation down to what it truly is- Nephilim spirits, demonic unseen realm. It’s old news.

Man likes to think he has all the answers to all the ancient secrets.

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Question: Our technology is becoming more and more sophisticated from the time humans discovered how to manage fire, so how sophisticated will we be 100 years from now? Will we be flying UFO’s to inhabited plants? When a retired Air Force pilot tells me that he was flying at 550 knots next to a UFO and it accelerated and disappeared with in seconds tells me we are not alone. He said: It was not of this earth! When Moses got the 10 commandments to help humanity to become civilized, was it from a superior being called God?

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For me the biggest problem with govt coverups is how these coverups gaslight those of us who KNOW differently.

Whether we’re talking about UFOs, viruses, or pharmaceuticals.

It leaves many of us feeling alone, gets us mocked, and or dismissed.

However, this is with the assumption that government thinks it’s entitled to deny our experiences.

What I think is going on is that the powers that be are paranoid beyond belief and know a lot themselves.

I understand keeping war tactics and strategies secret for our security.

But, denying reality as it unfolds mocks the idea of society, “being in this together”, and promoting the idea that anyone really cares.

Most of the time my skin is just crawling :0).

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